The quest for Dippin Dots

Scoops 66 and 67 or 85-87: August 30th

 Danny not the only person to be an unhappy member of the challenge documentation

Scoops 68-71 or 88-91: August 31

 Scoop 72 or 92: August Sept 2nd (early AM)

 Sometimes you just need ice cream at 2:08 AM, not sure which of us was the bad influence on this one

Scoops 73 or 93-94: September 2nd (the actual day)

 Scoops 74-75 or 95-96 September 3rd

 Scoops 76-77 or 97-99 September 3rd

 Again, home made ice cream is the reason I had ice cream twice this day... or just summer in general.

Scoops 78 or 100-101; September 4th

 Final Beach Day of the summer, also by liberal count the moment we hit 100!

Scoops 79-82 or 102-105: September 6th

 Scoop 83 or 106: September 7th

 After I started the non-traditional scoops, I search for weeks for Dippin Dots in Manhattan, luckily the Central Park Petting Zoo is right by work and one of 2 places to get Dippin Dots in Manhattan that is not a vending machine!

Scoops 84-86 or 107-109 September 10

 Scoop 87 or 110-111: September 10 (again)

 Bar Mitzvah desert!

Scoops 88-90 or 112-114; September 11

 Scoop 91-93 or 114-116: September 12

 The guy at the Haagen Dazs store didn't think I could handle this. I proved him wrong!

Scoops 94-97 or 117-120: Sept 14


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