Hitting 100

Scoop 98, 99, 100 or 121-124: September 15 Did it! 100th Scoop! Scoop 101-103 or 125-127: September 16 Scoop 104 and 105 or 128-129: September 17 Had to check out Mikey he Likes it as part of the challenge since I live in Harlem. Scoop 106 and 130: September 18 Scoops 107-109 or 131-133: September 19 Scoops 110-113 or 134-137: September 20 Scoops 114 and 115 or 138-139: September 21 Equinox was coming, wanted to get some final summer ice creams in. Scoops 116-118 or 140-143: September 22nd 10:47AM With minutes of summer left, I got in an actual one last ice cream! Beyond the Scoops: September 24th I finally picked clean those pints I had been avoiding since they didn't have enough ice cream left for the scooper. Man it felt good to attack a pint again now that summer had ended and it didn't mater how many scoops!