
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hitting 100

Scoop 98, 99, 100 or 121-124: September 15 Did it! 100th Scoop! Scoop 101-103 or 125-127: September 16  Scoop 104 and 105 or 128-129: September 17  Had to check out Mikey he Likes it as part of the challenge since I live in Harlem. Scoop 106 and 130: September 18  Scoops 107-109 or 131-133: September 19  Scoops 110-113 or 134-137: September 20  Scoops 114 and 115 or 138-139: September 21  Equinox was coming, wanted to get some final summer ice creams in. Scoops 116-118 or 140-143: September 22nd 10:47AM  With minutes of summer left, I got in an actual one last ice cream! Beyond the Scoops: September 24th  I finally picked clean those pints I had been avoiding since they didn't have enough ice cream left for the scooper. Man it felt good to attack a pint again now that summer had ended and it didn't mater how many scoops!

The quest for Dippin Dots

Scoops 66 and 67 or 85-87: August 30th  Danny not the only person to be an unhappy member of the challenge documentation Scoops 68-71 or 88-91: August 31  Scoop 72 or 92: August Sept 2nd (early AM)  Sometimes you just need ice cream at 2:08 AM, not sure which of us was the bad influence on this one Scoops 73 or 93-94: September 2nd (the actual day)  Scoops 74-75 or 95-96 September 3rd  Scoops 76-77 or 97-99 September 3rd  Again, home made ice cream is the reason I had ice cream twice this day... or just summer in general. Scoops 78 or 100-101; September 4th  Final Beach Day of the summer, also by liberal count the moment we hit 100! Scoops 79-82 or 102-105: September 6th  Scoop 83 or 106: September 7th  After I started the non-traditional scoops, I search for weeks for Dippin Dots in Manhattan, luckily the Central Park Petting Zoo is right by work and one of 2 places to get Dippin Dots in Manhattan tha...

Nontraditional Scoops

Scoops 49 and 50 or 64 and 65: August 17th  Scoop 51 or 66: August 20th  Took Danny to the scene of the crime, the ice cream shoppe where I had become a regular. As the issuer of the challenge he was unwilling to join the picture. But we got him! Scoop 52 or 67-68: August 21st  Bought some scoops after checking out the eclipse, had no glasses, still not blind! Scoop 53 or 69: August 22nd  All this talk of eclipses made us decide to have some Astronaught or Space Ice Cream. Not a traditional scoop, but the first of the many unique ice creams that joined the challenge. Scoop 54-56 or 70-72: August 23rd  Scoops 57-58 or 73-76:  August 25th Got some Thai Ice Cream, 5 rolls of delicious Scoop 59 and 60 or 77 and 78: August 26th  Scoops 61-64 or 79-82: August 29th Scoop 65 or 83: August 29th (Again) I had already had ice cream, but who says no when offered home made ice cream?

Mastering the Scooper

Scoop 34 or 45-46: August 3rd  Scoop 35 and 36 or 47 and 48: August 5th Scoop 37 and 38 or 49-50: August 7th   Scoop 39-42 or 51-54: August 8th  Scoop 43 or 55-56: August 10th  At this point work had caught on to the challenge, so Amanda and Adenike joined me for delicious milkshakes.  Maybe Scoop 57: August 11th  I forgot to take the picture before consuming the scoop. Scoop 44 or 58-59: August 12th  Free ice cream from McDonalds delivered by UberEats because Uber's Ice Cream truck ditched me. Scoops 45-48 or 60-63: August 16

Hawaii and the Arrival of the Scooper

Scoop 24 or 33: July 27th Up until this point I had not properly understood how to have shaved ice, I was not getting the ice cream under it or the 'snow cap' on top. Yael took me to get shave ice and taught me the proper way to enjoy! Scoop 25-27 or 34-36: July 28th Now that I know what I'm doing I go directly for Expert level, three scoops and three flavorings for the ice. Scoop 28 or 37: July 28th   One more scoop this day, mostly to kill time, but also like it's Hawaii so it's cool, apparently this basking robbins is where Obama worked in Highschool. Scoops 29-30 or 38-40: August 1st  Back on the Main Land, got a milkshake. Scoops 31-33 or 41-43: August 1st First use of the scooper, had not mastered the technique yet Big Island July 19-24, possible 44th Scoop Ask me sometime about how I lost all the content on my phone while on a Volcano on the big island. It's a terribly tale th...

The No Scooper Scoops

 Scoop 16 and 17 or 20-23: July 10th  Scoop 18 or 24: July 11th  Scoop 19 or 25: July 11th  July 11th was our Staff Appreciation Lunch at work. I had a Strawberry Shortcake (only 1 of those) and Ice Cream Sandwich Scoop 20-21 or Scoops 26-29: July 16, 2017   Scoops 22-23 or 30-32 July 19th The Cinnamon Toast Crunch was not part of the same meal as the ice cream.